• Question: Can you summarise what is Natural selection

    Asked by anon-315547 to Vesi, Susie, Saloni, Miguel, Mark, Lesley, Jasmine on 27 Mar 2022.
    • Photo: Veselina Georgieva

      Veselina Georgieva answered on 27 Mar 2022:

      Well, I have to be honest and say that I don’t really know a lot about Natural selection as I am a chemist and I forgot a lot that I know about geography or biology. What I know is that NS is a key mechanism of evolution, the change in the heritable traits characteristic of a population over generations.

    • Photo: Mark Ridgill

      Mark Ridgill answered on 29 Mar 2022:

      Survival of the fittest!

      We are all slightly different – taller, more stocky, hair colour etc which is caused by our genetics – and if the environment changes then those with the most suitable genes will be better able to survive and create the next generation. This can be seen in many species for instance pollution means that dark moths don’t get eaten by predators and so the species becomes darker.
      As humans we can use tools and clothing to overcome environmental issues to an extent but if we all had to swim a mile in a cold sea to survive then the next generation would be changed.to those better able to to withstand the cold..
